Bernard Foong (a.k.a. Young),
author of
A Harem Boy’s Saga; a memoir by Young.
(a seven books series of the author’s unique adolescent harem life, published by Solstice Publishing)
A Harem Boy’s Saga – Book I – Initiation; a memoir by Young is ranked Best Seller
Book I – Initiation is a
Pinnacle Book Achievement Award – 2013 winner in the Category of Autobiography.
You are invited you join Bernard Foong and four other speakers at;
Writing from the Heart
Maui’s First Annual Writers, Readers & Lovers of Writing Symposium.
Thursday August 7th 2014
At Konos On The Green

Book 1 – Initiation is available at: and
For further information, contact:
Bernard Foong – [email protected]