Fascinating autobiography of a young boy in an entirely different culture revealing secret subjects which would never be accepted, at least not not in the West. This story, set in the Middle East is a true account of the author’s young life, groomed as a Harem Boy, serving the sexual appetite of a Prince. While a true story, it is equaling interesting to me that it allows us a “peek behind the beads” into a world about which we have no real appreciation for behavior’s centuries old and widely accepted. This study is about those things we honor as forbidden and taboo but will have you murmuring, “Oh my God……”
Quite different than anything I’ve read before, this autobiography was highly recommended to me by a friend. I thought I’ll give it a try, and I was impressed by the author’s realism and honesty. It takes a lot of courage to write about things considered forbidden and taboo—especially in a memoir.
In addition to the author’s outstanding writing style and intriguing journey into self-awareness, it was also interesting to read about the breathing and meditation techniques he discusses in the book.
In Debauchery, the third book in Young’s memoir, A Harem Boy’s Saga, the story of love between the author and Andy continues. The list of destinations expands, to include Greece, French Riveria, Japan and the United States. The romance, the education, the lovers, the Arab household – these are all part of the continuing story of Young’s life in the secret clandestine sexual society, E.R.O.S. And the current day emails and messages are also present, in Young’s ongoing attemps to contact Andy some forty years on.
As fascinating as this all is, and the third narrative is a much tighter treatment than the first two, a new element of Young’s style of writing has come to the surface. Young writes about the philosophies of living which were taught to him at the time, but yet have so much relevance today, for readers such as myself.
In a section called Zentology, Young discusses Zen Buddhism as he learned it, but writes about it in such a manner that he is teaching us about it as well. From meditation to Zensuality and Zexuality, Young informs us about standards of behavior that seemingly enhanced his life, but which can easily enhance our own lives were we to follow the advice given in his lessons. He discusses breathing techniques, meditation techniques, loving kindness, and more – all philosophies that you or I could immediately learn from, and use for more fulfillment in our own lives.
In another section, which has even more bearing for me personally, and probably for many readers, Young learns from one of his teachers about jealousy, the reasons for it, and the ways to subdue it. It is advice that Young applies to his life, and we could easily do the same, by heeding the lessons of the eleven rules that the teacher sets down. See what he has to say.
So, read the story, live its boldness, savor its loving interactions, but learn from it, too. Improve your life as Young has done, and as I hope to also do. His books are lovingly written, telling a phenomenal story, and offering great insights on how we can better conduct our lives, to be more fulfilled and happy. Bravo!
Yummy…more of this brilliant and captivating story of Young as he continues on his journey into Harem life. This time in a the Royal Palace household of a Prince. He continues to learn and earn, LOL, as he sometimes gets caught in very uncomfortable situations and is pulled in many directions by some less savory characters than he has yet to encounter in his short Harem life thus far. Fear not though, his beloved and gorgeous Andy is always there to his rescue and to save the day. BTW, Wait until you meet Miyaz…OMG talk about sexy…
We return to the story of a young man who was initiated into a clandestine sexual society and was taken to the Middle East. Volume III of the memoir continues with the love story between the boy and his mentor and we now find ourselves at the third harem of which he becomes a part of—the Quwah, the household of a prince… Continue reading full in depth review at http://reviewsbyamoslassen.com/?p=31634
Read Review at: https://readersfavorite.com/book-review/debauchery
Fascinating autobiography of a young boy in an entirely different culture revealing secret subjects which would never be accepted, at least not not in the West. This story, set in the Middle East is a true account of the author’s young life, groomed as a Harem Boy, serving the sexual appetite of a Prince. While a true story, it is equaling interesting to me that it allows us a “peek behind the beads” into a world about which we have no real appreciation for behavior’s centuries old and widely accepted. This study is about those things we honor as forbidden and taboo but will have you murmuring, “Oh my God……”
Quite different than anything I’ve read before, this autobiography was highly recommended to me by a friend. I thought I’ll give it a try, and I was impressed by the author’s realism and honesty. It takes a lot of courage to write about things considered forbidden and taboo—especially in a memoir.
In addition to the author’s outstanding writing style and intriguing journey into self-awareness, it was also interesting to read about the breathing and meditation techniques he discusses in the book.
In Debauchery, the third book in Young’s memoir, A Harem Boy’s Saga, the story of love between the author and Andy continues. The list of destinations expands, to include Greece, French Riveria, Japan and the United States. The romance, the education, the lovers, the Arab household – these are all part of the continuing story of Young’s life in the secret clandestine sexual society, E.R.O.S. And the current day emails and messages are also present, in Young’s ongoing attemps to contact Andy some forty years on.
As fascinating as this all is, and the third narrative is a much tighter treatment than the first two, a new element of Young’s style of writing has come to the surface. Young writes about the philosophies of living which were taught to him at the time, but yet have so much relevance today, for readers such as myself.
In a section called Zentology, Young discusses Zen Buddhism as he learned it, but writes about it in such a manner that he is teaching us about it as well. From meditation to Zensuality and Zexuality, Young informs us about standards of behavior that seemingly enhanced his life, but which can easily enhance our own lives were we to follow the advice given in his lessons. He discusses breathing techniques, meditation techniques, loving kindness, and more – all philosophies that you or I could immediately learn from, and use for more fulfillment in our own lives.
In another section, which has even more bearing for me personally, and probably for many readers, Young learns from one of his teachers about jealousy, the reasons for it, and the ways to subdue it. It is advice that Young applies to his life, and we could easily do the same, by heeding the lessons of the eleven rules that the teacher sets down. See what he has to say.
So, read the story, live its boldness, savor its loving interactions, but learn from it, too. Improve your life as Young has done, and as I hope to also do. His books are lovingly written, telling a phenomenal story, and offering great insights on how we can better conduct our lives, to be more fulfilled and happy. Bravo!
Yummy…more of this brilliant and captivating story of Young as he continues on his journey into Harem life. This time in a the Royal Palace household of a Prince. He continues to learn and earn, LOL, as he sometimes gets caught in very uncomfortable situations and is pulled in many directions by some less savory characters than he has yet to encounter in his short Harem life thus far. Fear not though, his beloved and gorgeous Andy is always there to his rescue and to save the day. BTW, Wait until you meet Miyaz…OMG talk about sexy…
We return to the story of a young man who was initiated into a clandestine sexual society and was taken to the Middle East. Volume III of the memoir continues with the love story between the boy and his mentor and we now find ourselves at the third harem of which he becomes a part of—the Quwah, the household of a prince… Continue reading full in depth review at http://reviewsbyamoslassen.com/?p=31634
Five Star Reivew of A Harem Boy’s Saga by Gaia Best on Examiner.com